The Lost Pictures of Musbury

This article follows on from an article published in Musbury’s Parish News for Spring 2022, which highlighted the many missing old pictures of Musbury. Once these pictures are gone to a skip, a bonfire or house clearance they will be lost to the village for ever and part of Musbury’s history can never be recovered. Pictures not only show how things were in bygone days, they also add to our knowledge of people and places.

That we are able to present the following low-quality copies of the pictures, means these images were once in circulation. It is understandable after use they are returned to the owners, but today we have the capability to scan high quality copes that can be enjoyed by all. Whilst it would be nice to think that once the owners or descendants have no use for them, they will be given to the Musbury Archives, at least having good scanned copies means they are not entirely lost.

There are so many of these pictures that it has been decided to divide them into categories. Initially, based on where they originally appeared. Later it is hoped to improve on this and make them searchable by subject matter.

Publications / Sources of the lost pictures

4 thoughts on “The Lost Pictures of Musbury

  1. Jaffacat

    The photo of the Jubilee, taken in Victorian times, any idea where this photo was taken? I can see the church in the background but nothing else fits?!

    1. Martin Post author

      Hi Theresa
      I pretty sure this would have been in the field known as “Merriman’s Mead”, which is the large field that runs down to the left of Whitford Road if you are looking from Musbury Cross. It is the one that the public footpath opposite The Hind runs down. This was the field used for most big social gatherings around that time.
      Where exactly that picture was taken I am unsure. Please let me know if you work that out!

      1. Jaffacat

        That was my 1st thought but the background doesn’t seem to fit! I thought the cottages were the 1’s at the top of Whitford rd. Though it was a long time ago + obviously the village has grown + changed. I do love seeing old photos so thank you.

        1. Martin Post author

          I’m glad you I enjoy the old pictures. Having feedback makes all the effort worthwhile! It is just a shame that more pictures and better copies are not appearing. I’m sure there are plenty tucked away in Musbury drawers…


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