The Farms

A logical starting point would be the Tithe Maps / Apportionments, though it may be possible to go back further. Acts of Parliament were required to enclose land after about 1760, though the practice had been going since Medieval times. Starting with the farms we have today and working backwards would seem to be the sensible initial approach…

Would anyone like to make a start on this important part of Musbury’s history?

Following an enquiry from a descendant of the Wills family in November 2020, it was decided that the farm their family ran from 1808 to 1908 would be a good starting point. See: – New House Farm (now Castlewood Farm).

Musbury Farms – Are any missing?

  • Ashe Farm
  • Baxter’s Farm
  • Beale’s Farm (Late Admiral Beal’s Estate) /Musbury Farm /Musbury Barton
  • Beed’s Farm
  • Doatshayne Farm
  • Drake’s Farm
  • Hartgrove Farm
  • Knight’s Farm
  • Little Trill Farm
  • Lower Brookland Farm / Lower Bruckland Farm
  • Maidenhayne Farm
  • Milland’s Farm
  • New House Farm / Lower New House Farm / Castlewood Farm
  • Newhill’s Farm
  • Park Farm
  • Waterford Farm (Waterhouse Farm)