Articles Published in Musbury Parish News

Autumn 2019 – Was JC born in Musbury?
Winter 2019 – Attempted Murder of Musbury’s Rector – 12 August 1855
Spring 2020 – Beastly Vet or Misunderstood Pillar of the Community
Summer 2020 – The Chapel – How it Began
Autumn 2020 – Musbury’s Home Guard – 1940 to 1945
Winter 2020 – Four events that could have changed Musbury dramatically
Spring 2021 – Musbury People – The Knowns and the Unknowns
Summer 2021 – Ongoing Projects
Autumn 2021 – War Memorial Biographies
Winter 2021 – What’s in a name?
Spring 2022 – Musbury Memories – 22 years on…
Spring 2022 – News & Question Time
Summer 2022 – News & Question Time
Autumn 2022 – The Salter Family of Yew Tree House
Winter 2022 – News & Newspaper Cuttings (Musbury Cricket, How Times Change, Painting of Church & School)
Spring 2023 – News & Marlborough Road (A Village Loss, School Group Pictures, The Bypass)
Summer 2023 – News & Mount Drake (Meeting ex-residents and descendants, The History Walk, Ebay Purchases)
Autumn 2023 – The Bells, The Bells!… (The history of the bells & bell ringers of St. Michael’s Church
Winter 2023 – Colonel Drake & the Drake Family (Colonel Drake’s birthday and a short history of the Drakes of Musbury)
Winter 2023 – Discussion Group and Who’s Got What? (Suggesting a meeting of those interested in Musbury’s History and a request for local pictures, information, etc.)
Spring 2024 – Discussion Group, Dead Horse Lane and others and The Brook (The meeting date, the strangely named lane and the brook under The Street)
Summer 2024 – Discussion Group, St Michael’s Churchyard and The Musbury to Axminster Road – The 2nd meeting, Surveying the Churchyard and the A358 has a history of problems.